Also, if I may:
Some of the mainstream Christian denominations do not make belief in Trinity a 'test of faith.' In other words, the only requirement is that you accept Jesus as your personal savior. The JWs make a big fuss about 'accurate knowledge.' I'm not saying you should not STRIVE for knowledge, but it should not determine who gains salvation, or not.
For a Biblical example, the thief who was cruxified alongside Jesus probably wasn't certain as to JC's nature--truine or otherwise. I'm sure there are better examples, but it certainly comes to mind.
Not to plug a particular denomination, but I know the Disciples of Christ, and probably the United Church of Christ (UCC) believe this way. Moreover, they try to help you have a personal relationship with God through JC...they don't try to act as 'God's mouthpiece,' as JWs appear to do. Not saying they're perfect, but they're definitely not considered cults. I'm thinking that mainstream Methodists and a few others are along these lines as well.
My 2 pesos, FWIW